Food Pantry | NorthWest Arkansas Community College-线上买球平台

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NWACC Food Pantry

NWACC's food pantry is available to students and employees to assist in food shortages you may be experiencing. Feel free to apply for assistance or donate food to help fellow students and employees.

Request Food

Be sure to fill out a food pantry distribution request form EVERY time you request food from the pantry. Requests must be submitted no later than 3:30 p.m. on the Thursday before distribution (a week before distribution dates).

For emergency cases, please contact 

Food Distribution Dates

Food will be distributed every other Wednesday and Thursday at the COX Welcome Desk in Burns Hall. View the food pantry distribution dates

NOTE: You will receive an email notification when it is time to pick up.

Donate Food

Typically, the pantry is in need of protein items such as canned chicken, tuna, ham, beef, as well as peanut butter and jelly, macaroni and cheese, pasta, and other canned items such as ravioli, soup, fruit, etc. The pantry also has a refrigerator and freezer, so it can take fresh produce, dairy and frozen goods.

Donations can be taken to the COX Welcome Desk in Burns Hall. Monetary donations are also welcome.

Hours to donate:

  • Monday - Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

For more information, please contact 

Donate Food


Pop-up Pantry

The Pop Up Pantry is for Students, Faculty, and Staff to get free meal and fresh fruits, vegetables, milk products, and eggs. This will happen once a month in Student Center 108.  View information and dates and be sure to fill out the request form.  


Emergency Food Request

If you are requesting an emergency food bag or emergency lunch, please fill out this link.

NOTE: This is not a replacement for the normal Food Pantry bag. These bags are limited and do not have the same amount of food as the normal bags.  These bags are for emergencies only.


Volunteer in the Food Pantry

Are you interested in volunteering in the food pantry? Sign up here! This is a weekly sign up. If you are interested in volunteering often, make sure to fill out the form every week.  If you have any question please email,


Other Food Pantries

View the food pantries in Benton & Washington County.