Why Study Abroad | NorthWest Arkansas Community College-线上买球平台

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Benefits of Studying Abroad

Studying while abroad can be life changing. You'll experience diverse places, people, and cultures - all while developing academic and career skills that are in high demand. With your newfound understanding, appreciation, and confidence, you will be ready for what awaits.

Programs for Every Student

Students and community members can study abroad. You don't need to know a foreign language - courses are lead by NWACC faculty or an external sponsor and are often taught in English, unless you register for a foreign language class. 

Study abroad courses can be taken for college credit or audit. And NWACC makes studying abroad affordable. Look into financial aid and scholarships that can help cover costs.

Strengthen Your Skills and Job Placement

Employers value cultural experiences, because they strengthen adaptability, problem solving, cultural awareness, and communication.

According to a survey by the study-abroad organization IES Abroad:

  • Its alumni have starting salaries that are $7,000 higher per year than the average college graduates
  • 97% of its alumni got a job within a year of graduating, compared to the national average of 49%
  • 90% of its alumni got into their first or second choice graduate or professional school

Embrace a New Perspective on the World, Your Culture, and Yourself

You’ll gain a deeper comprehension of another culture and the world at large. You'll re-examine your own way of life - Your culture. Your beliefs. Your values. All of this can make you a more knowledgeable and confident person and citizen.

Now is the Perfect Time

While in college, you have access to financial aid and scholarships, and your program can count toward your degree. There's no better time!